Browsers have their own way of interpreting code. There isn't any universal browser as such. Well, it depends on people's choice! A good web developer should always check the responsiveness and compatibility of their code on various devices and whether the website is working as expected. While developing website, I came across Safari behaving differently.
Well, on searching I did find that Safari does not support
position: sticky;
but works with
position: -webkit-sticky;
since Webkit is the HTML/CSS rendering engine for Apple/Safari.
Also Safari has some problem with
overflow: hidden;
as well. When you search you'll find various people trying to provide solution for this.
Getting frustrated, I tried to find CSS hack for Safari and came across this on stackoverflow.
/* Only Safari 10.1+ */
@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm)
{ @supports (-webkit-appearance:none) {
.footer-text {
I found this solution working for me.
But this is NOT a recommended solution. You should be able to write perfect code for all types of browsers and do extensive testing so that your website never breaks!